Friday, September 28, 2007

In an Confidential Memo, A Pentagon General Claims to Want as Many Dead Soldiers Coming Back From Iraq as Possible.

Click play to view memo.

Time online has an article about the V-22 Osprey being deployed in Iraq for combat. Why Pentagon? Why? Haven't American mothers and soldiers suffer enough?

With quotes from the Time such as the ones below, how can the generals at the Pentagon justify the cost of this program, and its deployment in a war zone?

"V-22 crashes have claimed the lives of 30 men — 10 times the lunar program's toll — all before the plane has seen combat."

"The V-22's tendency to generate a dust storm when it lands in desert-like terrain wasn't examined because "an unusually wet spring resulted in a large amount of vegetation that prevented severe brownouts during landing attempts," the Pentagon's top tester noted."

"The V-22 can't glide as well as an airplane, and it can't hover as well as a helicopter."

It seems to me that Bin Laden does not need to plot any more terrorist attacks against U.S soldiers in Iraq since we are about to do fine job terminating them ourselves.

I am not a soldier, but I do know one fundamental thing about war--sometimes complicated hardware is a downside. For all the talk about the V-22's agility, I know that any terrorist in Iraq who has ever watched a season of McGyver could take this "planecopter" down in less than 5 minutes. Let's all pray and hope that terrorists do not like McGyver.

Please Pentagon, stop spending our money as if it did grow on trees. And to these politicians on Capitol Hill who supported this project in order to help their districts, I say this: America is not a commune. I shouldn't have to work hard, pay taxes, and see it wasted so people in your districts can have jobs. Your problems can't be my problems.

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