Saturday, September 22, 2007

Asians Gone Wild

There is a video on YouTube asking people to distinguish who in the video is Japanese and who is Korean. The director fpaldks11 was "curious." Curious or stupid? There are people who are taking their time to answer the question as if they would win a prize for getting the answer right. Someone actually wrote a funny comment, which may be racist, but I choose to see it as sarcasm. It says "they're neither...they're Mexicans." The purpose of the video is ridiculous, but the song on it is way cool. Check it out for the music. These girls can dance. They are definitely Koreans. Just saying.

Update--The director of this video blocked me because I commented that the girls looked Filipino to me. He did not get the sarcasm and was insulted that I would think that Korean girls looked Filipino. It seems that there is an Asian race war going on but they forgot to tell the rest of the world about it. Well, it was fun posting that people who responded seriously were idiots. Stupid questions deserve stupid answers. I hope he changes his mind and unblock me. They need the debate.

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